Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How Much Money Can I get if i trade in ten video games and a nintendo ds?

I have ten xbox 360 games, 007 Quantum of Solace, Spiderman 3, Fantastic four rise of the silver surfer,bullet witch, narnia prince caspian,tomb raider underworld,marvel ultimate alliance/forza motorsport,priates of the caribbean 3, tenchu z,the elderly scrolls ovlivion, and a red and black nintendo dsHow Much Money Can I get if i trade in ten video games and a nintendo ds?
Under no circumstances should you take games or game systems to GameStop or really any other game store. You CAN and WILL get ripped off. I brought in an original Nintendo ds Silver with absolutely no scratches, the charger, the pen, and no marks on the screen whatsoever, i even erased all of the data on it which raises the value because they dont need to reset it, and it was missing no buttons and i got a gay 30 bucks for it. I looked it up online and they are selling the exact ds for 175 dollars and I read I could have gotten 200 dollars easily if I sold it on Craigslist. I also had Wario Ware Touch which I bought for about 20 dollars used and i traded it in and they gave me four dollars for it credit or one dollar cash then they sold it for 25 dollars used. They gave me about three dollars for any old ds game and up to seven for a rare one. They also gave me a quarter for a light to a game boy advance which worked perfectly. Rip Off. Just sell your things on Craigslist
Yo if you do this at gamestop you would probally get a dumb $10-$40. If you sell this for a bundle on a place used at your city/state you could probally get all that for atleast $100 or more. It would be kind of like ebay but not ebay unless you want to take the risk! ;) Yeagh by the other way I meant craig's list just didn't know it was worldwide!How Much Money Can I get if i trade in ten video games and a nintendo ds?
The trade in prices at Cheap A** Gamer seem pretty accurate. Don't expect much in return.How Much Money Can I get if i trade in ten video games and a nintendo ds?
instead you could trade them for newer games
If you trade them in you are going to get ripped off. You would be better of using Ebay of Craig's List.

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