Thursday, February 9, 2012

Spiderman Birthday game ideas?

HI! Does anyone have any good birthday game ideas...Spiderman Themed? My son is turning SEVEN! I cant believe it!.... I have looked up some games online, so your unique ideas are greatly appriciated! :)Spiderman Birthday game ideas?
I have an idea that really isn't a game but fits into your theme. Hold the birthday party at a indoor rock climbing gym. That way they can climb the walls like Spiderman!
Pin the spider on the spider web or pin Spiderman on the web and pass the spider or Spiderman toy (pass the parcel using Spiderman theme). I don't know if you would want to do this but one idea is to make it Spiderman but use spiders as part of the theme too so there will be a bigger choice of games to play. You could hide plastic spiders in a sand box or around the room you are doing the party in. Let them look for them. The kid that finds the most gets a Spiderman toy. Put plastic spiders or gummy spiders in a jar and let them guess how many is in it. The kid that guesses right or the closest gets the jar full of spiders. Let them make their own webs out of strings. Provide silly string or web shooters and let them have a web fight. You can also make your own. It tells how in the source box below. I thought of some of this on my own and got some from websites. I don't know if you looked on or not but they have a lot of ideas. It's a website where parents put their own ideas on the website so you will get a lot of different ideas there. I put the link in the source box.

Also, you can make jello in individual bowls, put plastic spiders or mini Spidermen in them and let the kids eat it using only their faces and see who can get their object out first.

Another thing would be to put plastic spiders in ice cubes and see who can melt them first and get the spider out. You can make your own rules whether they use their hands, mouth or just let it set and see who's melts first.Spiderman Birthday game ideas?
Pin spiderman on the web.

Give them cans of silly string and aim at a poster of one of spider mans enemies. (the silly string is the web)Spiderman Birthday game ideas?
Silly Stringg!!!! :D

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